
a toast, to our queen.

     So once again, 365 days have passed us and it's that time of year. That's right, May Long, "The Long Weekend". May 2-4 etc.  I apologize if I have left out any of other definitions of this ridiculous holiday.  I just can't wrap my head around why this holiday is so big.  I mean, people base there entire year off this one holiday.  A time to get shitfaced!  Now maybe I don't see it cause everyday is a "long weekend" to me.  So for this long weekend, I have decided to get away from the chaos, the line-ups of liqour stores and my favourite drinking establishments, and to the busyness of restaurants.  So I am taking a stand, boarding a boat, taking the I5 of the Pacific and migrating southward where the alcohol is cheap, the women are beautiful, and there won't be an abundance of these 'long weekenders'.  I'm talking Seattle, Amer'ca! 

To the 'long weekenders'; you inglorious bastards.


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