
an establishment.

    Last night, I wandered up Courtney St. here in downtown Victoria and stumbled to the front door step of which is now my favourite establishment of this town.  The bar; Smiths Pub.  Now a few years back, I lived in the mountains about two hours north of Vancouver,  just up the Sea to Sky Hwy.  Every so often, I would venture southward to Vancouver to go out on the town with some friends.  It was like religion that we always stop off at the Morrissey Pub before going onwards to any other place that serves the delicious kinds of alcohol that we all know and love.  Back to Smiths Pub.  As I am sitting at the bar enjoying my short double Sailor and Coca Cola the bartender comes on over to see how everything are going.  We start talking about the place and about the layout of the bar and how it just seems like a wholesome place to consume a beverage or two.  Anyways, as the conversation went on, the bartender brought up the Morrissey Pub, back in Vancouver.  He asked me if I knew the place, which I then told him I would go there almost every weekend while visiting the city.  He then proceeds to tell me that the owners of Smiths, also own the Morrissey;  I then saw the connection.  Anyways, if you're ever in Victoria, I recommend checking Smiths Pub out. Good drinks, good people, good music, and the same goes for anyone visiting the fine city of Vancouver. 

and it's Wednesday.

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