
a woman we love.

    Gal Gadot;  actress, model, Israeli.  Most importantly of all, a woman we love.

thank you, Gal.

another bottle. (from the caribbean)

Now I'm not exactly sure how you spent your weekend. Maybe you went to the beach, maybe you crushed some coldies, maybe you went to Sasquatch down in the great state of Washington, or maybe you found yourself hugging a toilet seat after a pleasant evening of binge drinking. I'm sure, however you did spend it, it was a good weekend. Over here on d'island, the sun was glistening, the beaches were packed with beautiful girls and the alcohol was flowing like Niagara Falls. For the most part, I sat on my deck and had a sit down with an old friend, the Sailor, every 750ml of him. He's sweet, he's 46% alcohol content, he's 92 proof and reasonably priced at $27CDN. So by reading that, you know this guy works. For times where your girlfriend just dumped you, it works. For times where you got fired, it works. For times when you just want to get right pissed, it works. I think you're getting the point here. Anyways, the next time you want something tasty for your tastebuds, I suggest you pick up a bottle of this, a two litre of Coca Cola and have yourself a good, no... great evening.

you're welcome back, anytime.

the dears, a band.

  The other evening, I was browsing through my iTunes collection looking for something good to put on while cooking a meal for myself.  What I fell upon was an old Dears album called "No Cities Left" which was released in 2003; over half a decade ago.  I forgot that this band of seven from Mon'real, Canada was even on the rotation.  Now the reason I bring all this up, is because over half a decade when I was much younger, and didn't know much about much, I was fortunate enough to watch The Dears live at the now defunct Boot Pub in Whistler, British Columbia.  I was a measly 19 year old kid, freshly turned.  I don't think I really cared about who was playing really, I just knew that the Boot sold jugs for $10 CDN and that my only intention was to get as good stinkin' drunk as I possibly could.  The opening band was sub-par from what I remember, but then The Dears came on.  I just remember hearing Murray Lightburn's voice and it sounded something of Morrissey'esque.  To say the least, I did get shitbombed, but I also found a passion for live shows.

     The Dears will be playing in Victoria, British Columbia this coming Friday, May 29 and will also be playing in the city of Vancouver the following night and then up into wine country; Kelowna, British Columbia on the Sunday.  I recommend that if you are in close proximity to either of these three areas you check them out, you won't be disappointed. 

ladies & gentleman, the dears.


a day of rest.

    Sitting on the couch, watching old seasons of The Office, drinking  Anejo on the rocks, puffing on a cigar from the Republic of the Dominican, feet kicked back.  A day of rest.

come back sun, we miss you.


a slice.

The other night, I was sitting on my patio drinking a bottle of the goose and soda. After a bottle down, I decided to take a night out on the town, see what the Friday nightlife had in stores for me. I walked around downtown, but really couldn't find any establishment worth my time, or money so I decided to head homeward. On the way home, I stumbled up to the Brickyard. I forgot about this place, but sure was glad to fall upon it once again. The best fucking pizzeria, ever! To top things off, they serve beer and hard liquor for people to consume until 2am, PST. What the fuck is better then drinking beer and eating pizza? For $3.25 a slice (a big one at that), you really can't go wrong. So I recommend, if ever visiting the beautiful city of Victoria, you check out 702, Yates St. You won't be disappointed!

I'll have another.


hello, thursday.

     Finally, the warm weather has come, and with the warmth brings the patio. And with the patio, brings me, a holmie, a bottle of Jerry's, and only the finest the Dominican has to offer... Cigars!

stay awhile, won't you.

a toast, to our queen.

     So once again, 365 days have passed us and it's that time of year. That's right, May Long, "The Long Weekend". May 2-4 etc.  I apologize if I have left out any of other definitions of this ridiculous holiday.  I just can't wrap my head around why this holiday is so big.  I mean, people base there entire year off this one holiday.  A time to get shitfaced!  Now maybe I don't see it cause everyday is a "long weekend" to me.  So for this long weekend, I have decided to get away from the chaos, the line-ups of liqour stores and my favourite drinking establishments, and to the busyness of restaurants.  So I am taking a stand, boarding a boat, taking the I5 of the Pacific and migrating southward where the alcohol is cheap, the women are beautiful, and there won't be an abundance of these 'long weekenders'.  I'm talking Seattle, Amer'ca! 

To the 'long weekenders'; you inglorious bastards.



an establishment.

    Last night, I wandered up Courtney St. here in downtown Victoria and stumbled to the front door step of which is now my favourite establishment of this town.  The bar; Smiths Pub.  Now a few years back, I lived in the mountains about two hours north of Vancouver,  just up the Sea to Sky Hwy.  Every so often, I would venture southward to Vancouver to go out on the town with some friends.  It was like religion that we always stop off at the Morrissey Pub before going onwards to any other place that serves the delicious kinds of alcohol that we all know and love.  Back to Smiths Pub.  As I am sitting at the bar enjoying my short double Sailor and Coca Cola the bartender comes on over to see how everything are going.  We start talking about the place and about the layout of the bar and how it just seems like a wholesome place to consume a beverage or two.  Anyways, as the conversation went on, the bartender brought up the Morrissey Pub, back in Vancouver.  He asked me if I knew the place, which I then told him I would go there almost every weekend while visiting the city.  He then proceeds to tell me that the owners of Smiths, also own the Morrissey;  I then saw the connection.  Anyways, if you're ever in Victoria, I recommend checking Smiths Pub out. Good drinks, good people, good music, and the same goes for anyone visiting the fine city of Vancouver. 

and it's Wednesday.


a meal, a bottle.

Salmon a
Mixed Greens a            
Mixed Vegetable Rice  a
5 year bottle of Flor de Cana  a
A bottle of Coca Cola a

        It's Tuesday and I am sitting at the kitchen table, second glass in.  I was reading somewhere a little while ago about how Tuesday, of all days is the day of the 'Alcoholic'.  I mean, I can believe it.  Monday's are a just a waste of time to go out, unless you like hanging out with people that you would never call friend.  A Monday for me usually consists of me relaxing from all the beverages I have consumed from Friday to Sunday.  Yes, I do count Sunday as the weekend still, which means I do tend to find a bottle of some sort in my hand.  So for the people out there who think Wednesday is the day of the 'Alcoholic', I have this to say; Fuck you, Wednesday!

a third drink, please.

a taste of Cuba.

       Ahh... Cuba. The home to such things as Guantanamo Bay, Fidel Castro, fine cigars and the most important of the aforementioned, rum.  My first run in with this bottle was about four months ago when I was in southern North America parallel to Cuba.  It is here where I dropped my pesos into the hands of the little senorita and bid her adieu as I went on my way.  I went back to my hotel room #359, sat down, poured and drank. "Jesus" I said as the rum hit my lips.  Now if "Jesus" is the first thing that comes to mind after a first sip, you know this bottle is one to keep a stock of in the liqour cabinet, above the fridge.  You can practically drink this straight from the bottle, every drop.  I mean, you know this bottle is good when the country of origin nationalizes Havana Club.  It's that tasty, it's that smooth!  Needless to say, this bottle was consumed, and I was good stinkin' drunk.  

I'll see you Friday, friend.


an old friend.

Miss you, Bernard.

a bottle.

      It's that time of year again. The time where patios are full, bbq's are being cleaned to grill that perfect burger, steak, salmon, etc... and when the babes come out of the woodworks and flock to the nearest of beaches looking for that perfect tan. Now if your looking for that perfect summertime beverage, may I recommend Pacifico. A six pack of this will run you about $13 CDN at your closest cold beer and wine store. It started out when three German's came up with a brilliant idea and migrated southward from their beloved country to a town called Mazatlan. This bottle has become so well known, even Uncle Charlie has started endorsing this beverage lately on the sitcom, "Two and a Half Men". So you know if he's drinking it, it has to work. So next time you're thinking about what to get shitbombed on, I recommend this.

Cheers, you three old bastards.

a friend.

  I recently sat down with a friend of mine over lunch and wrote down some Top 5 questions on a napkin and gladly handed it his way. The subject; Timothy R. Brett. A friend of mine for well over a decade, possibly one I like to call a best friend.

Drinking Establishments:                              Places Travelled:
1. The Red Door                                              1. My father's farm
2. The Brickhouse                                           2. Santorini, Greece
3. Christie's Pub                                               3. Meh'ico
4. Mugs & Jugs (Lillooet)                              4. Paris, France
5. Logan's Pub                                                  5. Zell am Zee, Austria

Beverages:                                                         Major Purchases:
1. Tom Collins                                                  1. Laptop
2. Dark & Stormy                                              2. VW Jetta
3. Guiness                                                           3. Nikon Camera
4. Vodka Tonic with lemon juice                  4. Finest bottle of Scotch
5. Bourbon Sour                                                5. A box of Zino Classic No. 6.  

1. Zooey Deschanel
2. Marilyn Monroe
3. Rosario Dawson
4. Natalie Portman
5. Lucy Liu


a place.

     One night as we leave one of Puerto Vallarta's finer drinking establishments and hail down one those exuberant taxis that the town has to offer. We get in, I lean over to the cabbie in a drunken stoop and say, "senor, do you mind taking us to the best burrito stand you know of". We drive down the cobble stone road a few blocks from where we once were drinking. This is where he takes us. Eighty cents CDN for a fucking burrito. "I'll take dose"

See you soon, Marco.

turned twenty-five; an excuse to get shitbombed.

  Wake up, breakfast, driving range, golf, Ferris', oyster burger, salad, mount gay rum, more mount gay rum, Logan's, pirate radio, senile lady playing accordion, ginger man, chain smoker, 1516, hockey game,  Blackhawks win, 420 zone (pizza), Canoe Club, not so good times, bad music, CIBC, Wicket, darts, more drinks, lineup, Lucky, more drinks, pregnant girl drinking, pretty girls, dj's dj'ing, a pretty girl, cab ride, 15$ later, home. 

See you later May 7, 2009... you filthy son of a bitch.


turned twenty-five; made a blog.

In an hour, I'll be hitting that quarter of a century mark of my life, so I decided I'd start a blog.