
a bottle, from Loretto.

A few weeks ago, I was browsing through the whisky section of my neighborhood liquor store I came upon a bottle of Maker's Mark. Now I've seen this bottle around, but have always veered away for ol' faithful (Jameson). I finally sucked it up and spent the best $50 I have ever spent. The two main attractions to this bottle is; 1. It's expensive, which means you know it has to be good, and; 2. It has a red wax coating to seal the bottle. I got home, and cracked this beautiful baby... delicious. Sip after sip, glass after glass and eventually just wrapping my lips around the bottle until I eventually hit the floor in a drunken stoop. Fantastic! Now this bottle is a little steep in price, but after your first sip, you'll soon forget that you just dropped $50 on this bottle. It's that damn good!

David & Joseph- Here's to My Old Friends

I love you, Kentucky.


a bottle, from Oregon.

It's been sometime since I've posted something, almost a year infact. However, I am back and will try to write something weekly.

This little write up is on Rogue Brewing out of Newport, Oregon. Now I've been to Oregon and what I know it for is mainly Portland, Stumptown beans (coffee), Mt. Hood, The Shining and overall, nice people. But would never expect them to be the export state for such a fucking amazing beer. Us Canadian folks up here have our heads way up our asses to say that our beer is better than our friends to the south. The one I am indulging in tonight is called the Irish Style Lager and it is absolutely wonderful. The good thing about this bottle besides the sweet old man playing the flute that it gives a description of what your taste bud's are getting into. On this certain bottle, the caption reads and I quote, " Irish Style Lager with a smooth mellow flavor and an apple crisp finish". I love smooth and my god do I love apple crisp.

Dedicated to the Irish in each of us.

It's good to be back.


bud lime, not worth your peso.

By now, you've probably come to realize that the popular drink to quench those thirsty taste buds this summer has been Bud Light Lime. I for one will admit that I have wrapped my lips around this bottle, but just once and this will never, ever happen again. This has to be the worst drink going today, all though I do give credit where credit is deserved. Bud Light has done a pretty remarkable job on their marketing campaign to get "tough guys" from coast to coast to drop $25 of their hard earned dollars to get a beer that might as well be a cooler, but with less alcohol percentage. It's % 4.0 alcohol which I do not condone as a beer. An old friend has probably put it best as saying, "Lime beer is a wine cooler drink for guys that don't want to be seen holding them, and don't have a palate for anything beyond sugar, popsicles, teenage girls and white rum". I find this to be satisfyingly true.

you'll never see a cent of my hard earned dollar, padre.


stay thirsty, my friends.

This beverage here brings me back once again to my time spent in Meh'ico. Everynight, at our resort, we'd usually wonder down to the bar by about 9pm or so to get absolutely good stinkin' drunk before finding our way downtown PV. At this bar, there were always these girls from Austin, Texas that would be down there doing the same we would be doing, except in girl form. Now I know what you're thinking, Girls; hot, foreign and not much to say... sounds lovely. That was the complete opposite. These girls were dead inside, I fucking swear! Anyways, after talking to them on a Wednesday night, they were saying something about a foam party at some bar in PV (supposedly the best night on the town). I opted to back out, which is tending to happen often with this fine age of mine and so did my roommate. The other two counterparts we were with decided to venture to this so called foam party in search of the perfect chica, maybe from Austin, maybe not. My idea of fun was to head to the nearest Oxxo store for that $3 six pack of Dos Equis. This stuff was delicious, but not only that, it comes in cans which I find more to my liking. My roommate and I found a nice little corner to sit and drank a six pack, and watched the Puerto Vallarta traffic pass by. To me, this is way more fun then then that hot club, looking for that perfect chica. So this is to you, my old bearded bastard of a friend, cheers!

till next time,



hello, friday.

    As I sit here listening to the EP of Dan Mangan, sipping on a bottle of Havana Club getting that mid afternoon glow that I've been looking for since, well... yesterday.  I have decided as of a few days ago that I will be saving all summer to relocate to a better place that we like to call Puerto Rico, come October.  Rum, beaches, white sand and Latinas is my interest for going southbound.  Well, time to get back to my bottle!

adios, amigos.


another picture, more booze.

    The weather around here as of late has been typical west coast weather.  Cloudy, windy, trying to rain, but can't make it all the way.  I'm pretty sick of this weather being it's June 20th and the summer has officially began.  All I want right now is to be able to enjoy a nice plus 25 degree Celsius day on my porch/or the beach sipping on my favorite beverage and enjoying the best of the sun.  Please weather, let's sit down and have a talk, work out some sort of agreement where you can be as shitty as you want from October 1st onward to say, May 1st and just co-operate for once. Please!

it'd be nice to see you, sun.

a picture.

see you soon, padre.


what the shit just happened.

        So somewhere over the past week I ended up with a job and not just any sort of job, a 9-5 full time job.  I wasn't really looking it, it just kind of came to me.  At first, I kind was kind of enjoying myself, but four days into this thing called a job, I have realized that this has cut into my drinking, tenfold.  Now my idea for the summer was to hopefully find a part time job, maybe four hours a day, three days a week which leaves me at four open drinking days if my calculations are correct.  I am now starting to feel like our dear friend Milton; overloaded with work, and just not enjoying the job anymore.  This real world bullshit is starting to get on my nerves.  Anyways, I'm not sure when the next time will be that I'll be able to wrap my lips around a delicious tasting bottle, but it better be fucking soon!

I'll see you tomorrow, you fucking cubicle.


a bottle. (from the island)

Before I moved to this island a few months ago, I had never really heard of the Phillips Brewing Co. but soon came to realize what the 341ml bottles were about. There is eleven different varieties to choose from, although I have only tried three of the eleven bottles, but have lived up to their expectations. The Slipstream is still my favorite at the moment. Now it's been sometime since I've touched mainland and intend to keep it that way but I'm sure that these bottles have boarded ship and found a comfortable spot on many liqour store shelves throughout the province. A six pack of this runs you about $12 CDN which is a fair price in the overpriced market of the Canadian liquor economy. So the next time your thirsty and need to wrap your lips around a bottle, I'd recommend picking up a few of these.

bon voyage, mon ami.