
what the shit just happened.

        So somewhere over the past week I ended up with a job and not just any sort of job, a 9-5 full time job.  I wasn't really looking it, it just kind of came to me.  At first, I kind was kind of enjoying myself, but four days into this thing called a job, I have realized that this has cut into my drinking, tenfold.  Now my idea for the summer was to hopefully find a part time job, maybe four hours a day, three days a week which leaves me at four open drinking days if my calculations are correct.  I am now starting to feel like our dear friend Milton; overloaded with work, and just not enjoying the job anymore.  This real world bullshit is starting to get on my nerves.  Anyways, I'm not sure when the next time will be that I'll be able to wrap my lips around a delicious tasting bottle, but it better be fucking soon!

I'll see you tomorrow, you fucking cubicle.

1 comment:

  1. Ironic that you're drinking less while working in a liquor store.
