
a son of a bitch.

          I'm not talking about the old fart in the picture, I'm talking about Pabst Blue Ribbon known mostly by abbreviation as "PBR".  This son of a bitch has an alcohol content of 5.9%  and comes at a handsome price of $7.99 for six of these at your closest cold beer and wine store.  Over the weekend, I was lucky enough to witness my roommate consume fifteen of these sons of bitches over a five hour period to drown whatever sorrows he may have.  The last memory I have of seeing him, is walking up the middle of Yates St. destined for some of that delicious pizza from that joint I previously spoke of in an earlier blog.  Folks, this stuff is cheap but is also miraculously delicious, but also gets you good stinkin' drunk.  If you spend as much time as I do drinking, but can't afford the higher quality stuff, then I recommend this stuff.  Recession beer!

thanks again, asshole.

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