
a movie.

By now, you've probably heard about the latest film from director, Todd Phillips. If not, it's called The Hangover, and has been in theatres since Friday. On Sunday afternoon, this movie seemed appropriate enough to go watch. After all, it was Sunday and I was extremely hungover from the previous night of binge drinking for a pal's birthday party. The movie stars some comedic actors that I'm not going to bother mentioning, but do assure you, they will make you laugh. The movie is about three friends and a reject who set out looking for that perfect bachelor party in where else, then Las Vegas, baby! Somewhere throughout the movie, they lose their groom after a heavy night of binge drinking & GHB. Nonetheless, the three groomsmen give Vegas a thorough sweep retracing their tracks to solve the mystery of their fallen comrade. I'm not going to go much further for fears of ruining your viewing pleasure. So my advice to you would be this; Get fucking hosed the night before, wake up before noon and catch the matinee, it's worth your time.

my head feels better today, thanks.

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