
a bottle, from Loretto.

A few weeks ago, I was browsing through the whisky section of my neighborhood liquor store I came upon a bottle of Maker's Mark. Now I've seen this bottle around, but have always veered away for ol' faithful (Jameson). I finally sucked it up and spent the best $50 I have ever spent. The two main attractions to this bottle is; 1. It's expensive, which means you know it has to be good, and; 2. It has a red wax coating to seal the bottle. I got home, and cracked this beautiful baby... delicious. Sip after sip, glass after glass and eventually just wrapping my lips around the bottle until I eventually hit the floor in a drunken stoop. Fantastic! Now this bottle is a little steep in price, but after your first sip, you'll soon forget that you just dropped $50 on this bottle. It's that damn good!

David & Joseph- Here's to My Old Friends

I love you, Kentucky.

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