
a bottle, from Loretto.

A few weeks ago, I was browsing through the whisky section of my neighborhood liquor store I came upon a bottle of Maker's Mark. Now I've seen this bottle around, but have always veered away for ol' faithful (Jameson). I finally sucked it up and spent the best $50 I have ever spent. The two main attractions to this bottle is; 1. It's expensive, which means you know it has to be good, and; 2. It has a red wax coating to seal the bottle. I got home, and cracked this beautiful baby... delicious. Sip after sip, glass after glass and eventually just wrapping my lips around the bottle until I eventually hit the floor in a drunken stoop. Fantastic! Now this bottle is a little steep in price, but after your first sip, you'll soon forget that you just dropped $50 on this bottle. It's that damn good!

David & Joseph- Here's to My Old Friends

I love you, Kentucky.


a bottle, from Oregon.

It's been sometime since I've posted something, almost a year infact. However, I am back and will try to write something weekly.

This little write up is on Rogue Brewing out of Newport, Oregon. Now I've been to Oregon and what I know it for is mainly Portland, Stumptown beans (coffee), Mt. Hood, The Shining and overall, nice people. But would never expect them to be the export state for such a fucking amazing beer. Us Canadian folks up here have our heads way up our asses to say that our beer is better than our friends to the south. The one I am indulging in tonight is called the Irish Style Lager and it is absolutely wonderful. The good thing about this bottle besides the sweet old man playing the flute that it gives a description of what your taste bud's are getting into. On this certain bottle, the caption reads and I quote, " Irish Style Lager with a smooth mellow flavor and an apple crisp finish". I love smooth and my god do I love apple crisp.

Dedicated to the Irish in each of us.

It's good to be back.